مِرآةٌ علَى جِدار الجنَّة

هي محاولةٌ لفصل الذات عن الصورة "فهم في البعد أنقى" وأنا في البعد أكثر واقعية.

الخميس، 18 سبتمبر 2014

Drift Away

Taken by May Khaled AlOtaibi

The phrase "Drift away" has been wandering around my brain for days. I woke up once to find it the first thing making its way into my consciousness. It strolls down its alleys before I notice. Hence came this post. To, perhaps, explain, reassure, or simply denote its presence in writing. 

When a piece of wood is thrown into the sea, it drifts away. It slowly rides the waters, the ultimate connecter, into another place. A further away one. Gradually. 
Made out of mud; sand and and water. Feasting on air. Drifting away from oneself or from another tree rooted on shore. People seem to be trees of some sort; pieces of wood.
Drifting away is a solo performance thought, falsely, to be orchestrated. That's the thing about it. While believing the water in between links you still, one, too late, realizes nothing is.